Why Google’s Mobile First Indexing Strategy is Crucial for Your Website?
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- Mar 5, 2018
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The given article is written to describe business how mobile indexing will influence their SEO strategies.
In the recent mobile-first era, it is certainly very crucial to have an effective Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Most of the people use their phones to access internet and websites. In fact, about 50 to 60 % search queries come from smartphones and tablets.
As the majority of searches happen on phone, Google will be switching to mobile-first indexing in the upcoming future. This update was announced back in the year 2016 and during an interview, Google’s Garry Illyes informed that, even though they have not set any specific dates, the mobile-first shift is going to happen in early 2018.
However, a large number of phone users claim that a bad phone surfing experience has made them less likely to engage with the websites. Make sure you would not be left behind by not optimizing your business websites for smartphones and tablets. Google has introduced a very crucial transition to the mobile-first index in order to improve the experience of phone users. As you know, right now, Google indexed a website based on its desktop version to rank both the phone and desktop version. But with the implementation of the mobile-first index, this will be going to change for good reasons.
In the upcoming future, Google will crawl as a mobile user’s point of view and catalogs sites according to the phone version. But, all the updates will be implemented slowly and the changes would not be noticed externally from the very beginning. If you are using a responsive design for the site, you should be aware about this update. While mobile-friendly sites work the same way across all devices, responsive ones altered according to the size of the screen. Moreover, desktop and phone version of a site generally has similar content being easily reached on both devices. However, if you are using different content on mobiles or using different mobile URLs by means of dynamic serving, then you have to be very attentive.
A responsive design will offer you many benefits like improved usability, lower bounce rates, less duplicate content and so on. With the rise of mobile-first indexing, web page loading speed will become the main deciding cause in driving quality customers to your website and getting them converted. In fact, Google has been experimenting with this latest update for quite some time and you will surely get quality output from this update.