Google August Core Algorithm Update – Everything You Need to Know

Google, the major search engine giant, has recently released Google Algorithm Update called ‘Broad Core Algorithm Update’. Like always, most of the webmasters are noticing fluctuations in their website rankings. Every year, this giant makes numerous changes in algorithms. Panda, Pigeon, Penguin and Fred are some earlier Google algorithms and each of them addresses some issues and flaws in the Algorithms. These updates may put either good or bad impact on your search ranking that depends on the way you use them in your strategies.

If we talk about Broad Core Algorithm Update, it is totally different from typical daily Google updates. This update, as name depicts, is extensive and does not focus on a single element on how a search engine works. Therefore, the impact of this update is not specific, but wide. The update will put an impact on local as well as organic ranking.

If your website ranking has been affected with this update, then you must know the robust solutions to recover from it.

Tips to recover from a broad core Google Update:-

Better E-A-T: The update gives more preference to websites with better E-A-T (expertise, authority, and trust) over other sites. By implementing the best SEO strategies, you can show Google that your website should rank higher. For this, you should check out the websites of your competitors and their performance. It will help you know what they are implementing to improve performance.

Google Quality Raters Guidelines: The recent update has made many changes to the Google Quality Raters guidelines and these changes have impacted the website ranking indirectly. These changes are related to incorrect information, misleading clicks, distressing advertisements, hate speech, and many more. Your website should be free from all these unnecessary stuff.

You should focus on:

Follow Google Guidelines: Always follow guidelines provided by Google. This will improve your page ranging and at the same time, help you to stay at the top of search result pages.

Publishing High Quality Content:

Always post relevant, quality and engaging content on your website and other blog pages. This will help you to attract attention of your targeted visitors. Consequently, you can improve Google ranking.

Clean website architecture:

The overall structure of your website should be clean and visually appealing. Pay attention on functional aspects, visual appearance and technical constraints. Use proper title tags, heading tags, keywords and meta descriptions.

Analyze Inbound and Outbound Links:

Inbound and outbound links are very significant for better page ranking in the Google. Your site should not contain any broken links and it must not redirect to any irrelevant web page. Moreover, it should contain ALT tags and media files should be in right size.

Check Technical Errors With Google Search console:

Never forget to check your website’s performance and Search traffic with Google Search Console. With this tool, you will come to know about all the technical errors of your site. The planned off-page SEO strategy will not work accurately, if the site has technical errors.

Hope above mentioned tips will help you achieve higher website ranking in SERPs once again. Still, having some queries? Just contact our expert team today!

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    Vimal Bhakta

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