6 Types Of Blog Posts Every Hotel Should Be Doing For More Bookings

Blogging is one of the most effective ways of increasing your hotel bookings. However, you have to understand what, how and when to use various types of blogs.

Depending on the word phrasing, layout and content, each blog post appeals to a different market and increases not just your readership, but your booking as well.

1. Topic-based

The topic-based or topical blog post revolves around explaining a certain topic in depth. It covers all the avenues of the chosen topic to create a detailed and informative blog post.

Ideally, you should include various sub-topics within the blog post to ease its legibility. This kind of blog post is very appealing to readers who want to cover all aspects of a certain topic and is especially great for timed, progressive content delivery.

An example is “What You Need To Know About Online Hotel Bookings”.

2. List-based

A list-based blog post covers specific aspects of a topic. Depending on the length of the post, it could explore each of the listed items in depth or just as an overview.

The list-based blog post is ideal because of its simplistic layout, making it very easy to read. This type of blog post attracts the busy and moderately informed readers who just want an overview of the content.

An example is “10 Best Hotels In Miami”.

3. Directional

A directional blog post is meant to sway the reader’s point of view in a certain way. It is highly opinionated but could be backed up with credible research and statistics.

This type of blog post attempts to shine a light on the writer’s point of view on a topic, in the hope that it will direct the reader in the same way.

An example is, “Why Direct Hotel Bookings Are Better Than OTA Bookings”.

4. Advisory

The advisory blog post looks to provide valuable information to the reader without necessarily marketing the writer.

However, advisory blog posts greatly increase readership and as such, increase the traffic to the blog and by default, the viewership of other blog posts. This blog post could take any of the above-listed layouts.

An example is, “How To Pack For A Long Distance Flight”.

5. Testimonial

Testimonial blog posts are there to give the reader assurance through other customers. It is basically asking other customers to review their experience with the hotel, covering both the negative and positive and perhaps offering advice to prospective customers.

6. Reviews

As opposed to the testimonials, reviews are writer-based, meaning that they are written by the writer. Review blog posts cover the specifics of a certain topic and could offer a comparison of items. They are great for providing an informative analysis of a product or service as an overview.

An example is, “Review Of 3 Best OTAs In Myanmar (Burma)”.

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    Jayson Patel

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