8 Signs that your hotel website is screaming for a redesign
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- Dec 6, 2017
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Investing everything you have got in getting your website redesigned is a task that is really worth it. The first impression of your hotel online is based exclusively on your website and you should put a great deal of time, thought, and money into making sure it’s a site capable of turning every potential looker into bookers.
Redesign may not necessarily mean you have to take down your site and change every single thing you can find on it, it could be as simple as making modifications into some functional parts of the website and makes it work better and convert better than before. However, it is sometimes unfortunate to know that many hoteliers don’t even know when their hotel websites are screaming for a redesign.
Because your hotel website also holds a crucial position in your marketing strategy, then you should pay every attention to it and know when a redesign is necessary. Here are 8 reasons you should consider redesigning your website as soon as possible.
#1: Your website is not responsive on mobile
More than ever before, people now access the internet via their mobile phones. They don’t only use it to interact with social media, check up products, find business, but also use it to book a hotel for their vacations and relaxations. Therefore, if your hotel website is not friendly enough on mobile, chances are that you are losing out on potential leads and customers. So, make a redesign and get your website useful to your clients.
#2: You have outdated information on it
If some particular information about your hotel on your website is outdated, then it is time you consider a redesign of the website. I’m sure you won’t want your customers to be misled by outdated information, so give a redesign a shot.
#3: Your brand has evolved since your website launched
If your website has been launched for quite a long time, then there are chances your hotel brand must have moved from what it used to be in the last few years. You will want to include the changes on the website to better inform your customers.
#4: High Visitor’s Bounce Rate
The bounce rate of your website is the amount of time your visitors spend on the pages of your site before they leave. Of course, when visitors land on your hotel website, you want them to stay for a while and then make a booking. If your visitors leave too quickly when they visit your site, it may be an indication that something is wrong somewhere and you may never reach your target with such site.
#5: Your design is outdated
The design of your hotel website does not only influence the way visitors perceive the website but also has a lot to tell about your hotel brand. If your design is “old school”, unappealing, or difficult to understand, you may want to breathe a new life into it by considering a redesign for the website.
#6: You’ve been slipping in search engine rankings
SEO is one of the strong points that could get quality leads to your hotel website with little contribution from your end. However, when site design and contents are not well optimized for Search Engine, you may start losing ranking on the engine which could also mean low booking from customers. Refreshing your website is a good way to get you back in the SEO game.
#7: Guests need a map to navigate your site
Your site should have a smooth and intuitive navigation that takes your visitors from the landing page to each area of interest within the site. If they had to go through multiple pages and close numerous pop-ups before they could find what they want, then you need a redesign for your site.
#8: If site traffic starts reducing
When you start experiencing a decline in the traffic to your hotel site, it could mean your website is no longer what it used to be to your visitors. Taking the decision for a redesign could go a long way to turn the table around for the site.