Although posting on social media platforms may appear simple, it needs more strategy to get the desired results. The rise of Facebook and Instagram has made the market very competitive and the hotel industry has not been exempted. With the right marketing ideas, you can promote your hotel business and enhance your future growth. Here are a few social media posts that will help hotels to attract guests.


Communicate Exclusive Content and Important Changes
When things change in your hotel, you should communicate your new improvements to your social media audience. Whether it is a new team member, new rooms, payment system, website, new design, reservation system, activities or hotel services, you should create posts on them. These ideas can help to create engaging content for your hotel that can attract guests to your hotel facility because they will know what really happens behind the curtains. Check out the following Instagram post by Fairmont hotels and resorts.


Promote Private Parties and Events
Hotels can use Facebook and Instagram to promote events as this can be quite effective. Hotels can offer a positive experience to their guests when they talk about timely events they are planning to hold. Ensure that you involve your social media audience in the discussion and even invite them to your events. This is a perfect way of increasing engagement. Check out Briars Resort advertising a wedding event that they hosted.


Make People Aware of the Loyalty Programs and Gratuities
Your posts about gratuities and discounts must be direct and clear. The messages should show potential customers what is in it for them. These types of posts tend to instantly attract the attention of users. Popular holidays like Christmas, New Year’s Eve, and Easter are the best times to post your discounts and bonuses. Be sure to give an impulse and then wait for responses from your clients. These posts can bring great results, especially during the slow periods are help you boost your bookings. A good example is the post below by the Atlantic Hotel and Spa.


Show off Your Property in a Unique Way
People want to know what your hotel looks like before they make reservations. Be sure to show them the guest rooms and commonly shared areas like the lounge. You can also show off your staff so that guests know the people who will be serving them during their stay. Be sure to take the best photos and show your audience what happens behind the scenes. You can also update them on whatever is going on in your hotel, for example, if your phones are not working after a storm or other problem, you can inform your followers.


Give Guests Activities or Places To Visit During Their Trip
When showcasing your property to the world, you should think beyond the rooms. You should think about what your guests want from their vacation apart from a comfortable guestroom to relax in. for many people, food is a significant part of the experience and you can show them your menu items or some of the best eateries in the locality. You can even show guests the best places to visit in the location so that guests can know ways to enhance their experience during their vacation. When you post local guides, you will help guests to determine how they will spend their time and entice them to make reservations so that they can visit your City.


Modern travelers want attractive hotels that cater to their needs. Millennials travel a lot and they are the ones using social media platforms most. Therefore, you must ensure that your Facebook and Instagram posts appeal to these people. With the above recommendations in mind, you will surely attract guests, boost engagement, and improve your hotel business.

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