Question: What sort of device you’re reading this on? A laptop? Maybe you’re at your desk reading the words on a ginormous display. Or – perhaps even more likely – you’ve got a smartphone in your hand and you’re thumbing through your way.
When mobile phones started to become internet enabled people wanted to access certain information on the move. Checking train times, the weather, or keeping up with the footy scores on a standard desktop site meant difficult navigation, large slow downloads, big bills and an all-round poor user experience.
An issue with mobile sites is what mobile device do you build them for? There are too many different screen sizes and differing capabilities to do them all so which do you choose? How many would you need?
Well, with Responsive Web Design the answer is easy.
Responsive Web Design is a collection of techniques that allow a website to flex and adapt to the size of screen it’s being viewed on. Someone opening your site on a small smartphone will be shown the same site as the person opening it on their laptop but the site will have noticed the constraints and automatically reformatted to give the user an experience better suited to their device. No more loading a huge website and having to zoom in and out to find the content you’re looking for. Responsive web design takes into account interaction too and makes your site easier to use by acknowledging and integrating things like touch screens to aid navigation.
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