About Weekly Digests (Beta 1.0)

Hi everyone, we are starting our new monthly Nonprofit & Social Change Digest!  We will move this into a bi-monthly digest as we will be curating content from inside our Linkedin & FuseChange Networks amounting to over 600,000 members from around the world. Our goal is to help you create meaningful discussions, while collaborating and meeting other actively working on solutions.

This first version is simple and light. We are looking for content from YOU that should be included.

Content such as:

  • Your articles
  • Your questions that need answers
  • Grants opportunities
  • Challenges & incubators opportunities
  • Free Learning
  • New products for nonprofits
  • Nonprofit products & services
  • Job opportunities – Donate here and we’ll post your job

We are especially focused on Collaboration, Collective Impact and Systems Change. If you have articles, resources, assets on how we can collectively collaborate to solve complex challenges, let us know! collaborate@colorgraphicz.in

What we do!

First, we are a U.S. based tax deductible, 501c3 nonprofit organization. Our staff are 100% volunteer run and currently we fund our programs by designing and developing digital solutions for social change such as web/mobile applications, cloud solutions, interactive prototypes, websites and branding!  Why? This revenue supports our not for profit programs, while allowing us to hire aspiring social entrepreneurs from around the world.

Learn about our services —- View our Portfolio —- Our Programs


Fuse Change Limited, USA
3519 NE 15th Ave
Portland, Oregon 97212


A Tax Deductible
Not for Profit Organization
501(c)3 – EIN# 82-3981138

Nonprofit Network Content

Your Questions to the Group:

Each week we select a handful of posts that are direct questions. Post your questions and we’ll help get them answered. We’ll be selecting questions we know will benefit our members!

  1. I wanted to know if there was anyone in here that can help me get a structured and strong foundational start to creating my first non-profit 501c3
  2. Have you ever changed your gala format, and have you raised more or less money? Do you have any feedback for what has worked/not worked when you’ve shifted away from the traditional?
  3. I would like to advertise within my network businesses that are providing essential products or donations of essential products during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  4. Does anybody know any good summer virtual internships in the nonprofit sector?
  5. What are the best methods you have found to persuade donors to fund operational costs or give unrestricted gifts?
  6. What is your greatest marketing challenge in the Non-Profit space?
  7. How are you implementing a “theory of change” into your practice. What’s been your experience? How do you collect data and measure your impact?
  8. Does anyone know of a good course on running a non-profit?
  9. I run a blog called Ask an Educator and was wondering what advice you’d give students and professors who want to work with non-profits. Thanks in advance for any insights you can offer! 🙂
  10. What do you hope to accomplish this year through your Non Profit?
  11. Has anyone moved their Benevon model event virtual?
  12. I recently moved to the States (Dec. 2019) and have 5 years of work experience in the non profit industry in Asia. Was wondering – are there any additional skills I can learn and hone specifically in the non-profit arena?

Research & Reports

Free Learning Opportunities

Free Nonprofit Webinars:

Each week we select a few free webinars that provide valuable insight and guidance to nonprofits and private individuals looking to volunteer their time and resources to a cause. Please post webinars you are aware of that satisfy these criteria and we will diligently curate these and publish in digest form.

The Catalogue for Philanthropy – Free Webinars (List of Events)

  1. “To help all those organizations looking for guidance and resources, we will be temporarily making our webinars available for free to any nonprofit interested in taking advantage of the tools we have to offer.”

More Coming Soon…

Are you providing free webinars, online learning sessions or other free services specifically for the nonprofit and social impact sectors. We are especially generous to nonprofits and philanthropists are that doing this to do good!

Let us know what you are providing!

Challenges & Grants


Equal Cities Challenge – n/Core Foundation – Application Due May 15th

  • There is an urgent need for innovations and experiments to make leapfrog improvements in living conditions and food/financial security for the urban poor; and alleviate the negative impact of COVID and make low-income communities more resilient to future crises.We are looking for leaders, innovators, risk-takers, technical experts, early teams and collaboratives with transformative solutions that can radically improve the lives of the urban poor living in urban slums.


International Women’s Media Foundation (IWMF) – $2000 Grant – Deadline  – 15-May-2020

  • During the COVID-19 pandemic, the IWMF is turning our attention to how we may best serve our community of women journalists at this unprecedented moment in history. Based on early, anecdotal evidence of cancelled assignments, lost income and an inability to pay essential living expenses, we anticipate a great need for support within our global network of journalists – especially among freelancers with no safety net.The IWMF’s Journalism Relief Fund is open to women-identifying journalists in dire straits – journalists who have faced significant financial hardship, lost work, were recently laid off or who urgently need assistance to avoid severe, irreversible outcomes. This fund will provide small grants of up to $2,000 USD per request. However, special consideration will be given on a case-by-case basis to those who have greater financial need.


Giving Platforms – Made by Nonprofits

There are lots of giving platforms that promise to help you fundraise!  We will only showcase products of this nature that are made by nonprofit organizations.


  1. Our mission is to connect givers and nonprofits through a joyful donation experience. We envision increasing the global giving rate and helping high-impact nonprofits get the unrestricted, recurring funding needed to focus on their work.

Our Blog Posts

The hitchhiker’s guide to Donor Management

In the previous installment of this blog series we introduced constituent relationship management and its importance to the success of your nonprofit endeavors. This current offering introduces a data model that enshrines perhaps the most vital of nonprofit activities, the cultivation and continued engagement of donors and sponsors to support your social goals through the…

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Constituent Relationship Management

Data and Constituent Relationship Management

Organizations and institutions are increasingly dependent on their ability to leverage data assets to further their goals. So much so that googling the tad trite phrase  “virtous data cyle” returns a slew of infographics that extoll it in the context of the for-profit enterprise. The benefits of a healthy data management program, somewhat unsurprisingly apply…

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Why FuseChange and Why Now

I have been intrigued with collective impact before the term really existed, starting around 2000. Working alongside environmental and human rights leaders in California, I saw the power in how social networks could bridge together environmental groups across the State of California. The possibility to take 23 California State Universities (CSU) with say, an average of four environmental groups per university, and link them together so we could work collectively inside individual campuses and across the state as a CSU network.

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Entrepreneurs for Change

The FuseChange team identifies aspiring entrepreneurship around that world that could use digital marketing service to push them to the next level.

Featured Entrepreneur

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We have met many aspiring entrepreneurs that have determination, community support and have proven to create grassroots solutions that inspire locally communities.  At FuseChange we hire both aspiring web developers and designer, while assisting stellar entrepreneur.

This programs has two goals

  1. Find digital development talent in developing economies, hire them, train them and build capacity in their local communities with digital design that can be applied in their communities
  2. Those we hire and train provide the services to inspiring social chain makers, giving them a marketing boost for free so they can make a great local impact in their communities.

Open Source Solutions

We are connecting resources and collaborators to entrepreneurs building on open source solutions that benefit social and environmental problems. The FuseChage team seek out genuine and dedicated organization that are building solutions that  can be given away and collaborated with open source licenses.

Solution Type
Open Source License

Primary Contact(s)
Full Name: Jordi Vidiella Amposta
Email: vidiella@5srural.org
Phone: +34 699 601 643
Location: Barcelona, Spain

FuseChange ID: Jordi
FuseChange Channels

Focus Areas
SDG 1: No poverty
SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth
SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities
SDG16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Domestic Violence

Project: Resettle


Refugees and homeless needs more opportunities to find new places to get a new beginning with good conditions and enough guaranties to settle inside a new community.


A digital platform to congregate all the resources and people in a rural community to offer a new beginning for people who need it the most, refugees and homeless.


It’s a village-community marketplace where people, academy, citizens, and governments will list the services available in each village, job opportunities, lands, homes, local entities, village description and other resources and data for settlers. So interested people will find out what community is the most interesting for them according to location, local community, kind of job opportunities and other interests. We want to be sure that those looking for a new beginning are matched according to skills/needs and opportunities/resources in the welcome area.

Nonprofit & Social Impact Jobs

Find nonprofit & social impact job opportunities impact local communities around the world.
