Connecting resources and collaborators to entrepreneurs working on open source solutions that benefit social and environmental challenges.
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Solution Type
Open Source License
Primary Contact(s)
Full Name: Jordi Vidiella Amposta
Phone: +34 699 601 643
Location: Barcelona, Spain
FuseChange ID: Jordi
FuseChange Channels
Focus Areas
- SDG 1: No poverty
- SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth
- SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities
- SDG16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
- Domestic Violence
Links to Documents
Website: None
Overview: Google Presentation
Project: Resettle
Refugees and homeless needs more opportunities to find new places to get a new beginning with good conditions and enough guaranties to settle inside a new community.
A digital platform to congregate all the resources and people in a rural community to offer a new beginning for people who need it the most, refugees and homeless.
It’s a village-community marketplace where people, academy, citizens, and governments will list the services available in each village, job opportunities, lands, homes, local entities, village description and other resources and data for settlers. So interested people will find out what community is the most interesting for them according to location, local community, kind of job opportunities and other interests. We want to be sure that those looking for a new beginning are matched according to skills/needs and opportunities/resources in the welcome area.
Why Now
We need to fight against depopulation, refugees-non-resettlement and homelessness. There is an urgency to repopulate rural areas in the south and north of Europe and almost all rural communities in developed countries. Lots of people and families needs a fresh new start by offering them home, job opportunities and a welcoming community. Everyday more people get displaced around the world and lose their home.,
Resource Needs
People Skills Needed
- Full-stack Developer for C++
- Digital Web Design
- UX designer
Organization Needs
- Primary FInancial Sponsor
- Village and town councils endorsements
- NGO related with refugee resettlement
- NGO related with end homelessness