A Collaborative Systems Change Movement for Social and Environmental Challenges
Action Summits for Change
Action Summit Events take places across metropolitan cities globally. Think
of it like an “un-conference,” where an array of cities and people participate in a
weekend long events to specifically to derive open source solutions that can change the world.
Together we learn, share and innovate ideas into solutions and implementable projects.
Platform for Change
We believe systems should be open source, decentralized, scalable, and interconnected. Although existing proprietary platforms meet some of this criteria, the key components are missing that enable collaborative systems to be developed. We’re building a next generation open source platform with YOU that activates collective impact.
Open Source Solutions
Designed to connect open source solutions that are addressing social problems. We link resources to those solutions to collaborate with others based similar purposes.
Pro-Bono Services
Free marketing and digital solutions consulting for emerging entrepreneurs that are determined to solve a specific problem that will advance local to global sustainability objectives.